Mikolaj Komorowski
Originally from Poland with more than 20 years of experience in cleaning and facility management, fluent knowledge of several languages and currently residing in the Czech Republic where he works as the sales director for the international company CEJS Group a. s. with branches in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
Why did you decide to work for CEJS Group a. s.?
It has been more than twenty years since I started to work for multinational corporations and was, for the first time, in charge of the cleanliness and operation of facilities. I have gained work experience at various management levels, mostly in FMCG and retail chains. My work portfolio includes companies such as Makro Cash and Carry Polska S.A., Ahold Česká republika, MOL, and Crocodille. I dare say that I have had the opportunity to get to know very well the Polish and domestic markets on the client side. That was certainly added value when CEJS was searching for a new sales director and later in my daily work. I know the other side’s perspective, I know what is expected by the client, I can imagine the client’s expectations, feelings, needs and problems that the client must solve but does not want to be solving. I utilise my experience while keeping my feet fully on the ground. That means that I do not promise our clients anything that we cannot do.
From Poland to the Czech Republic and back
I have been in the Czech Republic for several years and switched between several management positions. I had to quickly absorb the local work mentality, decision- making processes and market needs. I found out, however, that the differences between Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are minor and that is why the adjustment to my new job position has been smooth.
Budgets in the order of millions – you implement projects for multinational giants. How does it feel to create budgets for millions or hundreds of thousands of euro?
Standardised procedures are in place for that in our company so budgeting is not a problem. Our budgeting is actually set up in a way that automatically ensures that no item is left out which is very important.
Leveraging our excellent organisation and established internal processes, the CEJS Group managed to achieve major growth from the initial sales of EUR 20.24 million to EUR 26.11 million in 2017, and last year this amount climbed to EUR 31.69 million representing a total increase by 36.15%. With that volume of work, there is simply no time for errors and everything must be in line immediately.
But still, three countries, three different markets – is it not demanding?
It is a challenge but at the same time it is a huge advantage. In each of the countries, we have a long-term business partner specialising in our industry with a strong local background, many years of experience and prosperous business. We have joined forces with the best in the respective countries allowing the CEJS Group to gain more added value and significant strength.
This brings up the question of what comes next?
Our goal is to expand to the extensive and extremely demanding German market. That is, however, only one of our steps planned for the nearest future. It happens every now and then that our plans are changed or somewhat re-routed due to a large order just like it used to happen at the beginning. And we also follow a relatively simple rule: The more demanding the international selection procedure, the more likely our expansion to the European markets.
The structures of multinational giants tend to be rather cumbersome, did you ever mind that?
That is true sometimes, I can attest to that, and that makes me appreciate even more that CEJS is a fresh company with swift decision-making. Although consensus must be found between the owners from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic when it comes to crucial decisions, our clients and employees never have to wait long for even rather complex responses. Our straightforward company structure, clearly defined responsibility and quick decision-making are reflected in our services. I realised that one basic rule applies here – nothing is impossible for us, we just need to want it.