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Logistics and outsourcing

We provide professional logistics services.

We will assume responsibility for all of your internal logistic process and you can focus on your core business.

Our experience in logistics will help you ensure a smooth flow of your products to customers. As part of our logistics services, we focus on ensuring the highest quality of our services possible, and we put emphasis on flexibility and professionalism of our employees.

Main advantages of outsourcing logistics services

  • Improved level of services provided
  • Improved competitiveness
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Focus on key competencies
  • Cost optimization

Logistics services offered by us:

  • Receipt of goods, stock records
  • Palletizing, packaging and labelling of goods
  • Transhipment

We will provide operators for the following job positions:

  • Warehouse operator
  • Warehouse machinery operator
  • Warehouse handling
  • Forklift operators

The transfer of logistics processes to our company takes place in individual steps from the process analysis, solution proposal and implementation, to the operation of logistics by us.