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About CEJS

About CEJS

We are a strong INTERNATIONAL HOLDING of the key local janitorial companies

We have Detailed KNOWLEDGE of the market, offering comprehensive product portfolio

We gained Excellent KNOW-HOW of industry (processes, requirements) in CZ, SK, PL countries


We deeply focus on SAFETY We manage operating teams ALLOCATED DIRECTLY on the customer site

We INTEGRATE the operating team into the internal processes of the client

We ensure SHARING of the trained staff

We guarantee INTERMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE (driving distance)

CEJS Security

We deeply focus on SAFETY

The main goal of the activity of the CEJS Group, a.s. is to meet the needs of our clients, keep the high quality of provided services and satisfy our employees by creating friendly and safe workstations. Following main goals, the CEJS Group, a.s. realises detailed goals in relation to organising safe and hygienic work conditions, resulting from legal-organisational requirements and inter-company regulations and instructions for Health and Safety.
